Why would a busy ER Physician Assistant start a blog? I’m glad you asked.


I am an emergency medicine physician assistant and I started this blog with the goal of helping those seeking to become a PA.

I’ve been in your shoes.

And it seems overwhelming.

My goal to help equip you with the tools to apply to PA school and to help you stay focused on your dream.

I know there is an almost unlimited amount of information out there. And that’s the problem. It’s easy to become overwhelmed quickly. But don’t give up! I am here to encourage you, push you, and help you work towards your dream.

I have been a PA for 18 years and I hope to pass on my “real world” experience to you as you prepare for your career as a PA.

Feeling burned out?  I’ve been there too. It is a constant struggle for many of us these days.  I’d like to help walk you through the steps to finding a more fulfilling life and career.

My goal is to always keep patients first–above my ego, above my personal goals, and above any other competing goals. Humility has been integral in helping me to become the man I am today.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I believe in you!

You can do this!

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